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My 5 Favorite Places in Iceland

|May 28, 2017
Loves writing, food, runes, Reykjavík life, traveling in Iceland and being out in nature. Born in England but fell in love with Iceland in 2010 and moved here, been here since.

Kay tells you all about her top 5 favorite places in Iceland. These places include the ever so stunning Ásbyrgi and Hofsós village in the North.

Ásbyrgi Canyon – North East Iceland

Ásbyrgi Canyon in North East iceland is a stupendous horseshoe-shaped canyon, created by catastrophic glacial flooding, it is 3.5 km long and over 1 km wide with dramatic cliffs. In summer, the base of the canyon is covered with wildflowers. Rowan and birch trees are plentiful and a cacophony of birdsong is amplified by the exceptional acoustics. Hiking here is very special.

Deep within Ásbyrgi, there is a shallow tranquil pool. Maybe your inner poet will be inspired? Einar Benediktsson, the Icelandic poet, lawyer, and entrepreneur, wrote Summer Morning at Ásbyrgi. This poem likens the shape of the canyon to a hoof-print made by Sleipnir, the eight-legged horse of Norse mythology.

Asbyrgi Canyon

Photo captured by IG user @backpackers_rtw

Hofsós, Skagafjörður – North Iceland

Hofsós, Skagafjörður is one of the oldest trading settlements in Iceland. There is a wonderful swimming pool with outstanding ocean views. The wooden houses down on the harbor are home to The Emigration Center, learn about the intrepid Icelandic people who moved to Canada over 100 years ago. Local horse farms offer riding tours, or maybe you are up for some white-water excitement? Try the level 4 Beast of the East or the Wonderful West Family Rafting Adventure. Both operate from the nearby Hafgrímsstaðir Farm Rafting Base.

Swimming pool in Hofsos

Goðafoss waterfall – North East Iceland

Goðafoss waterfall is not the highest nor the most powerful in Iceland, but it is very elegant. The Skjálfandafljót River drops 12 meters through the wide horseshoe-shaped falls. It is possible to view Goðafoss easily from many different angles – photo opportunities abound! In 1000 AD, the Law Speaker, Þorgeir Ljósvetningagoði, hurled his statues of the Norse Gods into this waterfall after he converted Iceland to Christianity.

Godafoss waterfall

Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon – South East Iceland

Jökulsárlón – Jokulsarlon Lagoon is a large glacial lake in South East of Iceland on the edge of Vatnajökull National Park filled with floating icebergs which have calved off the Breiðamerkurjökull glacier. Jokulsarlon glacier lagoon has been the setting for James Bond action scenes and other movies. A boat trip will take you sailing between the amazingly shaped icebergs, some larger than houses.

Jokulsarlon Lagoon

Seyðisfjörður village – East Iceland

Seyðisfjörður appears like a magic jewel below when you drive over the high mountain pass from Egilsstaðir. If you are a lover of outdoor activities, Seyðisfjörður is a paradise. Hiking trails wind through the mountains. Kayaking and cycling tours are available.


Waterfalls cascade down the steep mountains which surround this charming town with its blue church and stylish buildings. There is a bohemian feel and a good balance between liveliness and peacefulness. The lively Skaftfell Arts Center and Bistro offers residencies to artists from around the world, regular exhibitions and delicious pizza.

What is your favorite place in Iceland?

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