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6 (Kind of New) Facts That Will Make You Love Iceland Even More

|November 21, 2017
Anthropologist, social media guru, Icelandic nature and food enthusiast.

Iceland is a very loveable country and has been like this for a while. We keep hearing the same old reasons again and again but Iceland isn't all that because of what happened in the older days. We are ALWAYS making up new and different ways to stay adorable. Here is a list of 6 NEW reasons that make all of us love Iceland.

1) Our president keeps showing up wearing a buff!

Our slightly geeky, super smart historian turned president is everyone’s favorite person at the moment. With his constant calmness and wits, he has charmed the nation. He is often seen cycling around, sometimes with his children in a bike trailer (he has 4 children under 9 years) and often wearing one of these buff-things. BUT the main thing to know is that the original buff he wore is from the Alzheimer organization in Iceland and he was showing support. Which of course makes him just more loveable. His is our number 1.

Photo by Sigurður Bogi Sævarsson

2) Our Miss Iceland left a beauty pageant after being called fat

Being a lifelong athlete with muscles and a lean figure she obviously got angry. Fat-shaming will not be tolerated and she said participating wasn’t as important as the statement that needed to be made. Btw. This is her!

3) We have a nameless pizza place and it works!

Everyone has loved this one since it’s opening day and they also have a fantastic brunch. People just share the address in amongst themselves and it somehow magically works. It usually goes by “nafnlausi” or the nameless or just the address but really “what’s in a name?” So I present to you The Pizza place with no name!

Ps. It’s at Hverfisgata 12, the street parallel to Laugavegur main street.

Nameless pizza

4) We keep making up new words not taking up English

So basically we are 340.000 people here in Iceland, fewer speak Icelandic and there is a good reason to take actions to preserve the language. When new English words are starting to be used again and again many look into the language and try to find an appropriate word that actually has an Icelandic meaning. The newest would be “sjálfa” the Icelandic word for selfie.

5) More and more towns are going plastic bag free

Here I can mention the charming Stykkishólmur on the Snæfellsnes peninsula, the elf town of Hafnarfjörður that gave all of their citizens multi-use bags and the more remote Hornafjörður that has multi-use bags for anyone to use at their local grocery store and I am pretty sure I saw the same take place at Hólmavík in the Westfjords. GO green, let’s reuse and recycle!

6) We have an insanely great internet connection and wi-fi

Not even sure if this is a good or a bad thing but we are getting the whole country so well connected that you can Instagram from a mountaintop in the middle of nowhere. It sure does add to the safety feeling but for those looking for a digital detox, you might need to use airplane mode quite a lot.

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