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Discover Svörtuloft lighthouse in Iceland. Although you may need to take a little detour from the main road on your journey, it is quite an adventure and a landmark that must not be missed.

Svörtuloft lighthouse, Iceland is located at the western tip of the Snæfellsnes peninsula. It is hard to miss this bright orange, 19-foot-tall tower on a 4-kilometer-long cliff on a clear day with low tide. For the best and most magnificent views of the western coastline, this lighthouse is a must-visit. Built in 1913, Svörtuloft Lighthouse is a spectacle amongst dark and black lava cliffs.

Svortuloft Lighthouse in Iceland

Svortuloft Lighthouse at Snæfellsnes Peninsula in Iceland

Over the centuries, there have been several incidents and casualties reported due to sailing. With strong currents and sharp cliffs, it can be quite dangerous to sail by the tip of the Snæfellsnes peninsula.

Getting There

The best way to explore the best of Iceland is to rent a car for yourself. The lighthouse is easily accessible by road. Situated in Hellissandur, this lighthouse is a great starting point for your adventure. It may take you about three hours to travel by road from Reykjavík to the lighthouse. It is about 214 kilometers away from the capital. Along the way, be sure to make a pit stop at Skartdsvík Beach. It is one of the most beautiful white sandy beaches in Iceland. Once you have passed the beach, you'll find a narrow gravel road that takes you up to the lighthouse. From the tiny town of Hellissandur, the ride up to this lighthouse can take you less than twenty minutes.

Car Road with Scenic View in Iceland

Scenic road with spectacular mountain range in Iceland

Why Should You Visit the Lighthouse?

For the picturesque views, of course! With mountains as the backdrop, surrounded by black lava cliffs and fields with olive-green moss, at a point where it looks like the blue sea and sky merge, this bright orange lighthouse stands tall and vibrant. Marvel the work of architecture that dates back to 1913 along with the spectacular views over the western coast. Bird watching is one of the popular activities here, and you'll find a viewing panel set up to observe the cliff-dwelling seabirds. If you are lucky, you'll spot Brünnich's guillemot and European shag. If you are visiting Iceland during the summer months, be sure to get to the lighthouse and look for Harlequin duck at sea and the killer whales that are also known as orcinus orca.

Man Walking Towards Svortuloft Lighthouse in Iceland

Pathway towards Svortuloft lighthouse, Iceland

One of the most amazing parts of the cliff is the natural arc by the lighthouse. Enjoy the panoramic view and snap a few pictures to remember this stunning location.