Anthropologist, social media guru, Icelandic nature and food enthusiast.
So we have a new government and there is no way to tell how it’s going to go really. We have a three party government ranging from far left (Vinstri Grænir) to far right (Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn) and then the middle party (Framsókn).
People seem to have strong opinions on this new arrangements and two politicians of the left wing even went as far as declining the covenant made by the leaders and no one really known what it’s going to mean. My guess would be that they will not get a minister chair in the new government.
Photo by Magnus Fröderberg/
The reason for the irritation has made headlines all over the world and mainly has to do with Bjarni, who as a businessman moved large amounts of money at critical times and some people believe that he wouldn’t have done so without info from an insider source. Also, there was the whole Icehot1 scandal but he and his wife signed up for the Ashley Madison website for extramarital affairs using the username IceHot1. As if the username wasn’t funny enough, they probably wouldn’t have been caught if he hadn’t used his work email for the account and rest is history.
But enough with the past. The NEW government has from this morning been assigned and this is what we know:
Facts about the new government
Three parties are joining Framsókn, lead by Sigurður Ingi Jóhannesson, Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn lead by Bjarni Benediktsson and Vinstri Grænir lead by Katrín Jakobsdóttir.
Katrín Jakobsdóttir will be our new Prime Minister and is the second woman EVER to be Prime Minister in Iceland.
Crazy Fact: Sigurður Ingi and Bjarni have both served as Prime Ministers at some point. Talk about a power struggle?
BjarniandSigurðurhave now served in three governments in a row, first as Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs, then Prime Minister and then again Minister of Finance.
When Bjarni was prime minister he wasn’t the first Bjarni Benediktsson to serve in office. Prior to him his great uncle named Bjarni Benediktsson served as Prime Minister 1963-1970.
Sigurður Ingistudied to be a vet (veterinary physician) and worked as one from 1994- to 2009.
Katrín has a bachelor degree in Icelandic and a minor in French. She received her M.A. in Icelandic Literature in 2004 for a dissertation on the work of famous Icelandic crime writer Arnaldur Indriðason.
Bjarnihas a law degree from the University of Iceland and completed his studies in Germany and the United States before returning to Iceland to work as a lawyer. Bjarni is also a licensed stockbroker.
Vinstri Grænir (Left Green)will get Ministry of Health and the Ministry for the Environment along with the office of president of Alþingi, the Icelandic Parliament, and Prime Minister.
Sjálfstæðisflokkur (The Independent party)will get Ministry of Finance, Foreign Affairs, Justice, Fisheries and Agriculture, Tourism and Industry.
Framsókn (The Progressive Party)will get the Ministries of Industry, Fishing, Tourism, and Agriculture.
We will update this as soon as we know more but we will see how this one goes, the last two Icelandic governments have not finished their 4 years due to extreme scandals. God bless!